Case repository

Addendum Preventing prejudice
Further research into CUB process of Education Executive Agency of The Netherlands (DUO) by analysing aggregation statistics on the country of birth and country of origin of 300.000+ students in the period 2014-2022 provided by the Dutch national office of statistics Read more...

Preventing prejudice
Disparities have been identified in the control process of a Dutch public sector organisation regarding misuse of college allowances. In the period 2012-2022, students who lived close to their parent(s) were significantly more often selected for a control procedure than others. The algorithm used to support the selection performed as expected. Read more...

Risk Profiling for Social Welfare Reexamination
The commission judges that algorithmic risk profiling can be used under strict conditions for sampling residents receiving social welfare for re-examination. The aim of re-examination is a leading factor in judging profiling criteria. Read more...

BERT-based disinformation classifier
The audit commission believes there is a low risk of (higher-dimensional) proxy discrimination by the BERT-based disinformation classifier and that the particular difference in treatment identified by the quantitative bias scan can be justified, if certain conditions apply. Read more...

Type of SIM card as a predictor variable to detect payment fraud
The audit commission advises against using type of SIM card as an input variable in algorithmic models that predict payment defaults and block afterpay services for specific customers. As it is likely that type of SIM card acts as a proxy-variable for sensitive demographic categories, the model would run an intolerable risk of disproportionally excluding vulnerable demographic groups from the payment service. Read more...