Submit a case for review by a normative advice commission
Cases can be submitted anonymously. Read more about how we work. You can find more information below about next steps after case submission.
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Add a case to algoprudence repository
Would you like to contribute to our algoprudence repository? Please complete the below form. Please familiarize yourself with the cases already present in the repository. You can find more information below about next steps after case submission.
Case information
What are the next steps after case submission?
Your submission is reviewed by Team Algoprudence. The team assesses whether de case aligns with the mission of Algorithm Audit and the availability of resources for further investigation. Notification regarding any follow-up steps can be expected within two weeks.
Recent audits

Risk Profiling Social Welfare Re-examination
Normative advice commission provides rationales why these variables are eligible or not as a profiling selection criterion for a xgboost algorithm

Technical audit indirect discrimination
Qualitative and quantitative audit of algorithmic-driven college allowances control process. Assessment of risk distributions through Z-tests and bias test in the control process

Risk Profiling Social Welfare Re-examination
Normative advice commission provides rationales why these variables are eligible or not as a profiling selection criterion for a xgboost algorithm

Technical audit indirect discrimination
Qualitative and quantitative audit of algorithmic-driven college allowances control process. Assessment of risk distributions through Z-tests and bias test in the control process