Guest lecture ethical AI
Guest lecture for MSc Artificial Intelligence students with a minor in AI ethics at the University of Utrecht.

Demo open-source AI auditing tools during innovation day Dutch Ministry of the Interior
Presentation and demo of open-source AI auditing tools as developed as part of Innovation budget 2024-25, a competition yearly hosted by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior.

Presentation Responsible AI - Innovation Festival Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water
Presentation on responsible use of algorithms and AI during the Innovation Festival of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water.

Event 'Can Europe regulate AI?'
Book interview with Marietje Schaake – author of The Tech Coup – and Haroon Sheikh – author of Atlas of the Digital World – in debate centre Pakhuis de Zwijger

Guest lecture 'How algoprudence can contribute to responsible use of ML algorithms'
Guest lecture for MSc Social Data Science students at the University of Oxford
Presentation 'Inkoop van AI en algoritmen PIANOo'
Presentation on procurement of AI and algorithm for PIANOo – an expertise centre for procurement of the Dutch government
Break-out session 'Congres Binnenlands Bestuur'
Break-out session on algorithm and AI validation for Dutch municipalities

Lunch lecture AI validation - Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water
Lunch lecture on validation of algorithms and AI for a broad audience of employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water.
Masterclass 'AI validation and AI standards'
Day long master class on AI validation and AI standards for 30+ public sector organisations. With guest speakers Anne Meuwese (Leiden University), Robbert Bos (Dutch Government ICT Guild) en Sven Stevenson (Directorate Coordination Algorithms, Dutch Data Protection Authority)
Seminar 'Dutch Academy for Legislation'
Seminar on ‘Safeguards for responsible use of profiling algorithms’ together with Prof. dr. Anne Meuwese

Guest speaker lunch seminar 'Risks of detection algorithms'
Guest speaker during lunch seminar ‘Risks of detection algorithms’ organized by the Ministery of van Justice and Security

Masterclass 'Algorithm validation'
Masterclass ‘Algoritmevalidatie’ voor de Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten (VNG)

Guest speaker in-depth session 'Bias, fairness and non-discrimination'
Guest speaker during symposium ‘Profiling in the public sector’ organized by the Commission Personal Data Amsterdam (CPA) together with Thijs Teisman of Dutch Executive Agency for Education (DUO) on research into the College Grant Check process

Guest speaker symposium 'Profiling in the public sector'
Guest speaker during symposium ‘Profiling in the public sector’ organized by the Commission Personal Data Amsterdam (CPA) together with Thijs Teisman of Dutch Executive Agency for Education (DUO) on research into the College Grant Check process

Lunch lecture on DUO case Dutch National Office of Statistics (CBS)
Presenting data analysis of the DUO Grant College Check case.
Report: https://algorithmaudit.eu/algoprudence/cases/aa202402_preventing-prejudice_addendum/
Github: https://github.com/NGO-Algorithm-Audit/DUO-CUB

European Academy for Standardisation Annual Conference
Event on Reinforcing European Presence in the International Standardisation Landscape – Impact and highlights from the StandICT.eu 2026 project
Organised by
- European Academy for Standardisation (EURAS)
- The Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute (NEN)
- TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, Rotterdam School of Management, Tilburg University

MozFest Amsterdam 2024 Funders' Summit
Meeting ground for both technical and non-technical funders to explore the impacts of AI on key justice issues – climate, gender, race, democracy, and beyond. Hosted by Mozilla Foundation, European AI&Society Fund and Global Philanthropy Project.

Sharing days: Future of democracy – Utrecht University
Event on the future of democracy and digitalisation during dies natalis of Utrecht Unviersity

Interview SIDN Fund
Interview about project Open Source AI Auditing Interview: https://www.sidnfonds.nl/nieuws/niet-elke-beslissing-is-te-kwantificeren

Outvie: The National AI Congress Compliance & Update
During the National AI Congress Compliance & Update, the following theme was examined in the breakout session: Bias, Ethics & Compliance - the DUO case: indirect discrimination through risk profiling.
Points of discussion were:
- Unique analysis based on CBS data
- Analysis of migration background of 300,000+ students
- Seemingly neutral algorithms can have discriminatory consequences
- Preventing indirect discrimination in organizations

SPUI25: The Meta Case - challenging discriminatory algorithms through legal means
Panel discussion on The Meta Case with Jurriaan Parie (Algorithm Audit), Rosie Sharpe (Global Witness), Naomi Appelman (PhD Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam and co-founder Racism and Technology Center) and Berty Bannor (Bureau Clara Wichmann).
The panelists discussed whether Facebook is potentially violating Dutch equality laws. The origins of this Meta Case was elaborated upon, especially regarding how technological developments can reflect, identify, and address societal issues such as sexism, racism, and other types of discrimination.

CPDP 2024 Brussels: Decentralizing AI fairness decisions
Panel discussion on decentralizing AI fairness decisions with Laurens Naudts (UvA AI, Media & Democracy Lab), Karolina Iwanska (European Centre for Not-for-profit Law) and Francien Dechesne (Center for Law and Digital Technologies, University Leiden).
- From the perspective of both individual and institutional legal protection, what are the implications of decentralizing decisions regarding fundamental rights, and what issues might it resolve or introduce?
- How can normative disputes be settled when performing Fundamental Rights Impact Assessments (FRIAs) in AI development?
- What is the role of regulatory bodies in providing guidance for resolving normative challenges regarding AI fairness?
- What is “algoprudence” and how can it contribute to more fair AI decisions?

Interview Volkskrant
Interview with Dutch news paper de Volkskrant about research with Dutch Executive Education Agency (DUO).
Seminar 'Algorithm validation'
Algorithm Audit hosted a public seminar on algorithm validation and algoprudence in The Hague. Anne Meuwese shared insights on the value of algoprudence in contextualizing legal norms. Floris Holstege shed light into statistical hypothesis testing which plays an important role in our recent techincal audits.
We appreciated the interactive Q&A with the participants, especially the curious and critical questions which enables us to clarify our work, but also contributes to the further development and refinement of our activities as an NGO.

Presentation at UvA AI, Media & Democracy lab
Presentation on our article How ‘algoprudence’ can contribute to responsible use of ML-algorithms at UvA AI, Media & Democracy lab
Interview The Netherlands Human Rights Institute
Interview with The Netherlands Human Rights Institute about the work of NGO Algorithm Audit

Knowledge sharing event Court of Auditors Municipality of The Hague
Knowledge sharing event on auditing algorithms from both a quantitative and qualitative perspective

Speaker during debate city council Amsterdam
Contribution during city council debate on final evaluation of ML-driven risk profiling method. Illustrating risks of both algorithmic- and human-driven decision-making processes. See also:

Justice in AI workshop at TU Delft Design for Values Institute
Workshop on normative dimensions of balanced random forest model as used in practice, e.g., balancing (hyper)parameter selection, recall/precision

Presentation Fundamental Rights Impact Assessments (FRIAs) and inclusive, deliberative stakeholder panels for responsible AI – plenary JTC21 CEN-CENELEC Dublin
Presentation Fundamental Rights Impact Assessments (FRIAs) and inclusive, deliberative stakeholder panels for responsible AI – plenary JTC21 CEN-CENELEC Dublin

Algorithm seminar Dutch Data Protection Authority – Auditing algorithms
Sharing bottom-up auditing experience during panel discussion

University of Groningen (RUG) AI Act event
Sharing buttom-up experience on auditing AI during panel discussion.

Presentation Bias Detection Tool study association Christiaan Huygens TU Delft
Presentation Bias Detection Tool study association Christiaan Huygens TU Delft

Presentation on inclusive, deliberative stakeholder panels – Working Group 1 Inclusiveness JTC21 CEN-CENELEC
Presentation about inclusive, deliberative normative advice commissions as convened by NGO Algorithm Audit for members of WG1 Inclusiveness of JTC21 CEN-CENELEC