Collaboration with Municipality of Amsterdam

Over the course of 2024, Algorithm Audit paired up with the municipality of Amsterdam to build public knowledge on pragmatic risk management measures for algorithms falling within and outside the AI-system defintion under the AI Act.

Collaboration with Dutch Executive Eduction Agency (DUO)

In 2023-25, Algorithm Audit has paired up with Dutch public sector organisation DUO to build algorithm validation capacity from both a qualitative and quantitative dimensions. We have been working on:

  • A technical audit report of the college grant check proces. The first report, with findings and recommendation, Preventing prejudice has been sent to the Dutch Parliament on 01-03-2024;

  • A second audit report, included a data analysis based on aggregation statistics shared by the Dutch National Office of Statistics to conduct a large-scale study on proxy characteristics in the college grant control process;

  • Finding solutions to deal with the normative dimension of auditing and evaluating algorithmic-driven decision-making processes, for instance involvement of diverse stakeholders panels to qualitatively interpret quantitative measurements.

  • Applying the algoprudence way of working to issue normative advice in the context of algorithm validations. More information on algoprudence can be found here.

Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO)

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Building public knowledge for ethical algorithms