Hoe ‘algoprudentie’ kan bijdragen aan een verantwoorde inzet van machine learning-algoritmes

Hoe ‘algoprudentie’ kan bijdragen aan een verantwoorde inzet van machine learning-algoritmes

Auteur(s): Anne Meuwese, Jurriaan Parie & Ariën Voogt

Aan de hand van twee casusposities rond de inzet van machine learning-gedreven risicoprofilering door de gemeente Rotterdam en de gemeente Amsterdam wordt het begrip ‘algoprudentie’ geïntroduceerd en uit- gewerkt.

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Automated Decision-Making Under the GDPR – A comphrehensive case-law analysis

Automated Decision-Making Under the GDPR – A comphrehensive case-law analysis

Auteur(s): Sebastião Barros Vale, Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna

The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) launched a comprehensive report analyzing case-law under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applied to real-life cases involving Automated Decision Making (ADM).

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Bias rapport Kort Verblijf Visum – SigmaRed in opdracht van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Bias rapport Kort Verblijf Visum – SigmaRed in opdracht van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Auteur(s): SigmaRed

Bias assessment of Dutch Ministry of Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ short stay visa classification model by SigmaRed Technologies

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Digitalization and the (Dis)balanced Trias Politica

Digitalization and the (Dis)balanced Trias Politica

Auteur(s): Reijer Passchier

Scientific legal paper arguing why new checks and balances are needed to guarantee a separation of state powers in the digital era.

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Discrimination through Risk Profiling

Discrimination through Risk Profiling

Auteur(s): Dutch College for Human Rights

Framework for discrimination through risk-profiling

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Practical Fairness

Practical Fairness

Auteur(s): Aileen Nielsen

A wide-ranging book that informs data and AI ethics practitioners about recent advances in open-source toolkits and legal frameworks.

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Protected grounds and the system of non-discrimination law in the context of algorithmic decision-making and AI

Protected grounds and the system of non-discrimination law in the context of algorithmic decision-making and AI

Auteur(s): Janneke Gerards and Frederik Zudierveen Borgesius

Plea that a hybrid system of non-discrimination law, with a semi-closed list of grounds and an open possibility for exemptions and justification, is best-suited to deal with the particularities of AI-driven discrimination.

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